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Sep 12, 2019
Jack McHugh: Student Voices Speech
Jack McHugh'19 Good Morning students and faculty. About 2 weeks ago I was tasked with writing a speech for this assembly today about a...
Sep 7, 2019
Tai Humphrey: Student Voices Speech
Tai Humphrey'19 Love is All Around Me...Sometimes... Or at least that’s How I want it to be. Today I am going to talk about something...
Sep 7, 2019
Pooja Anand: Student Voices Speech
Pooja Anand'19 I am a first-generation American. My father came to America in 1998. He arrived with a bag of clothes, one hundred dollars...
Sep 6, 2019
Tim Ruth: Student Voices Speech
Tim Ruth'19 There’s a lot of pressure in high school, especially when you are just beginning and starting at a new school. Many things...
Sep 6, 2019
Clark Wang: Student Voices Speech
Clark Wang'19 I would like to thank Mr. Nelson for giving me the opportunity to speak in front of all of you today. It truly is an honor....
Sep 5, 2019
Paul Seggev: Student Voices Speech
Paul Seggev'19 While this experience may not be universal, I am sure that for many of you, your parents ran your lives when you were a...
Feb 14, 2019
Emma Caplan: Student Voices Speech
Emma Caplan'19 Hi everyone, my name is Emma Caplan. Before I begin, I would like to thank Mr. Nelson for giving me this opportunity and...
Dec 13, 2018
David Li: Student Voices Speech
David Li'18 Hello children, the following are three tales about me, your chubby neighborhood asian. So buckle your seatbelts and keep all...
Oct 11, 2018
Mykal-Michele Longino: Student Voices Speech
Mykal-Michele Longino'18 When I was 5 I didn’t know I was black. I know it sounds silly….but....for a long time I just didn’t know. I...
Sep 6, 2018
Anjalee Bhuyan: Student Voices Speech
Anjalee Bhuyan'18 Since I was little, the rule was take off your shoes when you walk into a home, or else risk showing disrespect. ...
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