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A Million Times

Joshua Wagnia 25'

you assume when you hurt me you are hurting me once

but in truth you have already hurt me a million times there

are no rhyme or reason to these wounds but there is a

rhythm a constant drum-drum on the roof of my head like

raindrops when i am without you for being without you

hurts more than being near you ever will and these million

wounds are imaginary but real they are borne of my mind

and carved on my heart like striking blows does this give

me power through tolerance or does it distance me from

those who have done me nothing but good in truth this

pain is self inflicted for the time you’ve dwelled in my mind

has made you a part of it and i am you and you are me and

we are hurting each other like a burning shadow and i

know that it is not the real you i have constructed because

the real you has not lashed me and the real you has the

cooling touch of sol on a cloudless january day and when

you hurt me you assume you hurt me once but you are

both sharp corners and round edges and cerulean and

deep scarlet and such a curse of a blessing that you have

put on myself and i on you


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