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May 25, 20221 min read
Snow chews up the sky,
Jennifer Durnall '24 and her leering eyes, for a moment, for a split in time, Eyes, that had once shivered to the vibration, of a...
May 14, 20221 min read
Golden Girl
Bella Mastrobuono '24 Bright was per personality, But in came the darkness. It surrounded her from all sides. Captured Stuck Lost But she...
May 14, 20221 min read
Bella Mastrobuono '24 "Control" "Focus" "It's a mindset, just change it" "You're overreacting" "Just chill" Words I've been told one too...
May 14, 20221 min read
Religious Trauma
Bella Mastrobuono '24 "Now for a moment of silence" I can hear my own heartbeat. The silence felt like forever. Thump Thump Thump... I...
Apr 18, 20221 min read
Craving Quiet
Shae Sawyer-St. Clair'24 The silence speaks. It’s breathing continuous and heavy. Nothingness speaks to those who can accept silence. My...
Apr 4, 20221 min read
A Cordial Exchange
Kayla Mullen'24 Her glove whacks my head. The force of the firm fist penetrates Through headgear to brain, Like a sharp needle through...
Apr 4, 20221 min read
Melinda Shen'24 Sink me in the ocean Where I could live again, Over and over for a hundred million years. Float me along the currents,...
Apr 4, 20221 min read
Pandora’s Box
Abby Durkin'24 I have to tell you a secret. My body shakes, shakes, shakes in response, trying to repress the slimy words slithering out...
Apr 3, 20221 min read
Resilient Flame
Landan DeHaven'24 1 Tap, tap, tap, the rain descends upon him, Already soaked, he does not care. He silently stares into the fire...
Apr 3, 20223 min read
Somewhere in Pennsylvania There is a Dragon’s Nest and a Person I May Never Be
Melinda Shen'24 There's a gift on your doorstep. Sure, it's from me, or your neighbor, or your friend that lives two blocks down. There's...
Apr 3, 20221 min read
The Midnight Hunt
CC Leoni'24 The cool fresh breeze rushes through his silky fur The bright spring moon shimmers on his broad back His black stripes glow...
Jan 29, 20211 min read
Atharv Awasthi'22 Lights shone into those small, pearly eyes the day you were born, the lights of life, of existence You were too young...
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