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Old Friends
Zander Shallow'23 My house while growing up in Pennsylvania was not in a neighborhood. In fact, my only neighbors were older adults; on...
May 16, 20222 min read
Grace Petersohn '24 As we trekked through the larger-than-life pines we heard Zac calling out the code word from behind us. I and the...
May 14, 20222 min read
One More Story
Morgan Hellebusch'23 I could hear the clock tick and animals making noises in the distance, as I sat on the cold tile floor of the vets'...
Oct 14, 20204 min read
A Story from my Neighborhood
Danika Staples'24 My neighborhood is quite small and almost all of the other kids my age are boys. So, I spent a lot of time playing with...
Oct 14, 20202 min read
Caroline Paik'20 Typically, translation means changing words from one language to another in order to help someone understand something....
Feb 7, 20193 min read
Respect and Harmony Go Hand in Hand: A Synthesis on The Wife of Bath's Tale and "Stone Mattress"
Scott Cho'19 In modern society and throughout history, men and women have always been separated and characterized by their differences....
Feb 7, 20197 min read
Alice Su'20 People always look at my father and notice him. They notice his towering figure, his infectious laugh, his pure smile, his...
Feb 7, 20193 min read
A Monster Calls and Finding Neverland Comparison
Josh Feigoise This sculptural representation of Mum and Sylvia Llewlyn Davies, the mothers in A Monster Calls and Finding Neverland...
Feb 7, 20192 min read
Antigone Essay
Alice Su'20 In Sophocles’s play Antigone, Antigone is a young woman sentenced to death after breaking the law of Thebes by burying her...
Feb 7, 20196 min read
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